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Remote Digital Content for Retail | Signage & Posters

Remote digital content for retail, media signage and posters give retailers the ability to change commercial content on any screen within the retail environment. A key feature of this is ‘remote content management’ which enables the retailer to manage the content across all stores from a single, central location. Content can be changed immediately and frequently with minimal or no cost simply using in-store broadband.

Examples of Digital Content for Retail, Digital Posters and Media Signage

Remote digital content for retail, media signage and posters can usually be categorised into four overlapping applications. However, their versatile nature opens up a range of interesting and creative applications to attract the attention of in-store customers.

Window POS

You can often find digital posters and media signage in window point of sale displays. These applications begin a customer journey and increase attractions and footfall. Screens can be permanently integrated into the window or used as part of a larger window display.

Chanel - Window Installation, Robot theme

In-store POS

Remote digital content for retail is becoming popular for in-store point of sale devices. Placing a screen next to the specific product, brand or category of merchandise can allow for more detailed communication with the customer, providing a more engaging and enjoyable experience. Content may include promotional material or simply more information about specific products on surrounding shelves.

P4U Case Study 7

In-store Consumer Communications

Consumer communication devices found in retail environments often include digital posters and media signage. Upon entering a store, general promotional and signage content can educate customers on new products or promotions. This can include anything from a main entrance ‘greeter’ or general departmental signage.

Remote Media Channel

Training and Staff Communications

Digital content for retail can also be used for training or staff communication found in-store; often this area can be an overlooked benefit of media signage. Screens can be used to broadcast staff training and information from a head office location. Communications can be pre-scheduled at opening or post closing times, potentially allowing your chairman, retail director or HR talk directly to all shop floor staff.

ASDA Interactive Garden Furniture Display



‘Sell umbrellas when it rains and ice cream when the sun shines’

Examples of remote digital signage and posters can be found as part of the award winning work we have completed with Phones4U which has been rolled out to over 500 of their stores nationwide. This case study highlights the key benefits of remote content management by demonstrating the control of digital content for retail across an entire estate.

In its simplest form, remote digital content for retail can allow you to distribute your screen content to one screen or a network of hundreds. You have the ability to determine if one-store, a sub group of stores or all stores receive what content or when. The old cliche of selling umbrellas when it rains and ice creams when the sun shines is now a reality – you digital posters will allow total flexibility.

Want to know more? Get in touch with us and our team will be happy to answer any questions.

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